
Delivering a new generation of digital services for the heart of the UK gas industry

Xoserve is central to Great Britain’s wholesale gas market. As the Central Data Service Provider for Britain's gas market, they provide a range of services that are critical for gas suppliers, shippers, and transporters.

MagiClick was appointed in 2020 to kick-start an ongoing programme of digital change with a goal to transform the experience of their users and drive greater industry efficiency. Through an ongoing agile delivery process our team has supported Xoserve in the roll out of continuous iterative improvements, as well as new digital services.

This work has included integration with several internal systems (including CRMs and workflow platforms) to support a seamless unified experience on the front-end. Some of the recent project highlights are detailed below.

Digital Industry Change Process

Xoserve’s role at the heart of the gas industry includes facilitating the changes that the industry needs to operate efficiently. Their customers can propose specific changes that help them use their processes, products or services, and these changes follow a process of industry consultation and agreement. In addition, Xoserve helps the industry in navigating a changing wider regulatory landscape.

MagiClick delivered a digital industry change process which has optimised the industry change process and includes online submission of change proposals, an online workflow-based industry consultation process and a self-service change register.

Self-Service Help & Support Journey

Xoserve helps a wide range of users, from gas shippers through to gas customers, including responding to help and support requests.

MagiClick delivered a new digital self-service support journey which identifies the user type and helps them find relevant support information and then triages support requests which are submitted. This self-service support journey integrates with two CRM systems and is highly configurable by business users at Xoserve - so when the support business rules changed they can adapt the triage rules directly in the CMS, with no developer involvement required.

Upgrading from Umbraco V7 to V10

We leveraged our experience as an Umbraco Gold Partner to deliver the new experiences on the Umbraco CMS platform, giving business users and other stakeholders within the organisation full control on the content and day to day management of the site.

The site had previously been implemented in Umbraco version 7 which was reaching end of life, however due to the major architectural changes in the Umbraco platform from version 7 onwards (including re-writing the platform in Microsoft .NET Core) there is no direct upgrade path from v7 to the new .NET Core based versions of the CMS (v9+).

In 2022 we delivered a major project for Xoserve moving them from Umbraco version 7 to version 10. The xoserve.com website is large with many customisations (and integrations), so as part of this project we will undertook a thorough review of the existing architecture and customisations to identify what should be ported/upgraded and what should be re-engineered to take full advantage of the next generation of Umbraco CMS.

Our team managed and delivered the full project, including large-scale media and content migration.

Click here to learn about the benefits of choosing MagiClick as your Umbraco Gold Partner.